![]() The echoing disparity of the human race is escalating in enormous ways, the volitional intentions of those who consider themselves sovereign even though they are human, have led many to believe that they are invincible. What could possibly cause any one race of people to think so arrogantly that they are more valuable than another race of people is mind challenging to me. Death, sickness, disease, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, accidents, do not target any one particular race of people, which prove so comprehensively that no one on the human landscape is meant to be extinct from another. The institution of racism has so intellectually disguised itself on so many fronts; it's as if the world is a global masking of pretension but at the same time it is obvious that we see it, recognize it but the hate of racist evil is carved so deep into the human culture until it has become an embedded acceptance and tolerance by the people who are suppose to be defending against it and defeating it wherever it raises its ugly head. The values of life, liberty, freedom, opportunity, education, healthcare are carefully and strategically manipulated to favor some and forget others. How do we call ourselves human beings and yet take such a posture of disregard for other humans who have the right to a fair equity of prosperity just like any other race. Prosperity should not be the golden carrot that creates competitive jealousies that include some and exclude others. It should not be released to the lazy nor should it be reserved or restricted to certain cultures. It should be the expected reward for all who put in the time and effort while using their gifts and talents to advance the good of the world that we live in. There should not be a prejudice system that intentionally makes it hard for certain people to achieve prosperity even though they put forth the same effort as the other race. How is it that our minds can be so distorted and misdirected to this point of depravity; how can it be that after all of these years we've only grown inches on this subject of racial discrimination? America, America God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. My country tis of thee sweet land of liberty of thee I sing, land where our fathers died land of the pilgrims pride from every mountain side let freedom ring. Don't just let freedom ring, let it reside in every place and in every thing; let it become the passion and power that removes the fear of failure from those who want to try and succeed at this thing called life. That fear is the reality of many because they know that no matter how much they work and educate themselves that freedom to experience the rewards that others experience is not a reality for them. You put two people in the same classroom, give them the same test and challenges, they both make the same passing grades but when it's time to be rewarded, one gets more for his work while the other one gets less. So tell me, where is the freedom, the liberty and the equality that are the theme lines of our country's music? America stop masking and attempting to hide your racist hatred and evil, we see you, God sees you and other countries see you. Your television commercials, movies, award shows, beauty pageants, reality shows tells us that you are carriers and breeders of perpetual racism. The government of this country is a voice that says you are racist and prejudice as you tolerate the ways of one race but the race that's not your color, you penalize harshly for the same crime or opinions and ideologies. Racism on every landscape and in every culture will not escape the wrath that it will face under the judgement of God. He is going to judge you during the time of reckoning, that you can be sure of. #ihateracism
Diversity in its definition is the inclusion of different types of people, such as people of different races, cultures, religion, groups and organizations. The idea of diversity is to create a world of different communities with different ideas and ideologies while at the same time creating equality of opportunities for all people regardless of their differences. The reality of diversity is a constitutional claim penned on pages of legally documented affirmations that ensures all are allowed a piece of the shared equity of education, employment, economics, etc... We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (that would be God, not man) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness... Now, this Declaration of Independence sounds good, but in reality, the implementation of this is conclusively prejudiced by the injustices that are often experienced by those whose skin pigmentations do not measure up to a racist status quo.
The adversity that I see in diversity is deeply rooted in the soil of the color code that gives negative life to the Color Conflict, the Color Consciousness and the Color Compromise. However, it is only the ideological ignorance that is embedded within the White Master mindset that believes that they alone can legislate without compromised prejudices, that which is best for dark-skinned people. When it comes to policy making, politics must not rule the roles of who is qualified and who is not. Racism in a robe and on the bench is a scary concept to people of color because public record proves over and over again that Black people don’t always get a fair shake. Diversity takes guts, but when there exists no guilty conscious concerning ruling right and fair regardless of race, the resistance will thicken and ultimately erupts in ways that are not always the best route for a community. Diversity is a beautiful thing if it stays away from the ugliness of racial disparity and dysfunction. If the judicial bench in Miami-Dade County remains White in dominance, then diversity and equality become a false reality that is a premeditated lie that poisons the created intention of God for equal sharing in voice, vote and visibility. It is amazing that in most of the major sports, the bench is more white and the main players are black. In governance on every level of the judiciary, the bench is more white and the players who predominately face these judges are black in skin color. The difference between the two is that sports are a game, but the judiciary is no game, it is the most influential force and source of power in a city, state or nation. It determines the destiny of people who are pronged to do wrong by the nature of the human proclivity and in other cases their fall into human depravity. It takes moral, ethical restraint, and discipline not to be a racist, because it is a generational disease that continues to reproduce itself from one generation to another. It is only the unethical excuses of those who choose to ignore its high level of systemic existence that allow this malfeasance to continue to escape without evacuation and execution. I will conclude this writing but definitely not this conversation by saying the following. Every White person is not a racist and every Black person is not a criminal and a source of unqualified judicial competence. The system must be racially fair, if not it is a false representation of the Constitution of The United States and to those of us who believe in God, it is a contradiction of his created intentions for the human race. Slavery is not dead. It has been redefined and redesigned through the process of a cosmetic application and corrupt camouflaging. We see you! We are committed to exposing the false idea that there is shared equity in education, employment, and economics. I am a proud African-American man. I am pro-truth. I believe that we have qualified Black Men and Women throughout the state of Florida who can bear the competence, integrity and fairness that are mandated for those who sit on the Judicial Bench. My challenge to you is that we become true change makers and begin to make the right changes, not just for the sake of diversity but for the sake of human decency and fairness. #Ihateracism. http://www.bloggingblackmiami.com/2018/03/community-voices-we-see-you-confronting-the-adversity-in-diversity.html |
AuthorCarlos L. Malone, Sr. is Founder/CEO of Rhema Apostolic International Network (R.A.I.N.), an apostolic training network. He is the author and publisher of several books and his recent book, ME, Your Life Transformation and Empowerment Guide, which is the first published and printed book under his own publishing company FireHeart Publishing. ArchivesCategories |